Friday, October 18, 2019

What is orthopedics?

Orthopedics is the field of medicine that focuses on surgery on, or manipulation of, the musculoskeletal system. The surgical specialty was originally focused on developmental deformities and the effects of polio in children, but today it has expanded significantly to address all the conditions and diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system in individuals of all ages.
Orthopedic conditions can be treated operatively and nonoperatively with medications, physical therapy, exercise, alternate therapies or by a host of surgical procedures, including some that are minimally invasive and thus less traumatic to the body than traditional open surgery.
The overall goal of orthopedic treatments is to preserve or restore the musculoskeletal system.
Physicians whose practices are focused on orthopedics are called orthopedic surgeons, although not all of them perform surgery. An orthopedic surgeon is qualified to diagnose and manage or treat musculoskeletal system problems that affect the bones and soft tissue (ligaments, tendons) in the body. Furthermore, an orthopedist can recommend rehabilitation methods to patients that may enhance the effectiveness of their treatments. He or she can also provide effective orthopedic education and guidance to patients regarding the prevention of orthopedic injuries and diseases.
Also involved in the field of orthopedics and the delivery of orthopedic health care are several other highly trained professionals, including nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants specially trained in orthopedics; pain and physical medicine physicians; sports trainers; and physical therapists.
Clinical and basic science researchers worldwide continue to add to the knowledge of current and new orthopedic treatments to treat problems with the musculoskeletal system and help patients regain their normal activity level and lifestyle.
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Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Are Essential Oils ?

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy,  a form of alternative medicine that employs plant extracts to support health and well-being.
However, some of the health claims associated with these oils are controversial.
This article explains all you need to know about essential oils and their health effects.

Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants.
The oils capture the plant's scent and flavor, or "essence."
Unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its characteristic essence.
Essential oils are obtained through distillation (via steam and/or water) or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing.
Once the aromatic chemicals have been extracted, they are combined with a carrier oil to create a product that's ready for use.
The way the oils are made is important, as essential oils obtained through chemical processes are not considered true essential oils.
Summary Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor, or "essence," of their source.

Essential oils are most commonly used in the practice of aromatherapy, in which they are inhaled through various methods.
Essential oils are not meant to be swallowed.
The chemicals in essential oils can interact with your body in several ways.
When applied to your skin, some plant chemicals are absorbed (1Trusted Source2Trusted Source).
It's thought that certain application methods can improve absorption, such as applying with heat or to different areas of the body. However, research in this area is lacking (3Trusted Source4Trusted Source).
Inhaling the aromas from essential oils can stimulate areas of your limbic system, which is a part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviors, sense of smell, and long-term memory (5Trusted Source).
Interestingly, the limbic system is heavily involved in forming memories. This can partly explain why familiar smells can trigger memories or emotions (6Trusted Source7Trusted Source).
The limbic system also plays a role in controlling several unconscious physiological functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. As such, some people claim that essential oils can exert a physical effect on your body.
However, this has yet to be confirmed in studies.
Summary Essential oils can be inhaled or diluted and applied to the skin. They may stimulate your sense of smell or have medicinal effects when absorbed.

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What Are the Benefits of Hemp Oil?

Benefits of Hemp Oil

Hemp oil, or hempseed oil, is a popular remedy. Its advocates claim anecdotal evidence for curative properties ranging from improving acne to treating cancer to slowing the progression of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Some of these claims haven’t been proven by clinical research.
However, data suggests that hemp oil may be able to help certain health issues, such as inflammation and skin conditions. This is primarily because of its essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including omega-3s and omega-6s.
Fatty acids, which we obtain from food, are vital for the normal operation of all body systems. Hemp oil is more than 75 percent omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a ratio of 3:1, considered to be the optimal nutrition ratio.
Hemp oil is also a rich source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a type of omega-6 fatty acid.

2011 studyTrusted Source suggests that adding omega-3s, such as those found in hemp oil, to your diet can reduce inflammation. Inflammation can contribute to diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

 Hemp oil and skin disorders
Research indicates that the omega-3s and omega-6s in hemp oil may be effective in treating a number of skin conditions, including:
  • Acne. A 2014 studyTrusted Source concludes that hemp oil (nonpsychotropic phytocannabinoid cannabidiol) is a potent and potentially universal anti-acne treatment. The study states that clinical trials are needed to fine-tune ways to best take advantage of its benefits.
  • Eczema. A 20-week studyTrusted Source in 2005 concludes that dietary hemp oil resulted in the improvement of eczema symptoms.
  • Psoriasis. A 2015 studyTrusted Source indicates that omega-3 fatty acids, as a nutritional supplement, may be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. The study suggests they should be used in combination with topical vitamin D, UVB phototherapy, and oral retinoids.
  • Lichen planus. A 2014 article indicates that hemp oil is useful for the treatment of the inflammatory skin condition lichen planus.
The 2014 article also suggests that hemp oil can contribute to stronger skin that is more resistant to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

2011 studyTrusted Source suggests that the physical or emotional symptoms associated with the premenstrual syndrome are potentially caused by sensitivity to the hormone prolactin that may be related to low prostaglandin E1 (PGE1).
Hemp oil’s gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) assists in the production of PGE1.
The study showed that women with PMS who took 1 gram of fatty acids that included 210 mg of GLA experienced a notable decrease in symptoms.


2010 studyTrusted Source of rats indicates that hemp seed helps to protect against complications of menopause, most likely because of its high levels of GLA. 
2017 studyTrusted Source, hemp oil’s antibacterial properties inhibited the activity of various types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus.
Staphylococcus aureus is a dangerous bacteria that can cause skin infections, pneumonia, and infections of the skin, bone, and heart valve.     

Hemp and weed (marijuana) are two different varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant.
Hemp oil is made by cold-pressing the ripened seeds of industrial hemp plants. These plants have almost no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound that produces the high associated with weed.
Along with essential fatty acids, hemp oil contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. You can take it orally or apply it to your skin.

Although hemp oil is highly popular and research has indicated some health benefits, check with your doctor before applying it topically or ingesting it as a supplement.
Your doctor will offer important insight regarding hemp oil and how it might react with your current health and any other medications you take.
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Aromatherapy Humidifier

What is a humidifier?
Best buy Ayala Humidifier

Humidifier therapy adds moisture to the air to prevent dryness that can cause irritation in many parts of the body. Humidifiers can be particularly effective for treating dryness of the skin, nose, throat, and lips. They can also ease some of the symptoms caused by the flu or common cold.
However, overusing humidifiers can potentially worsen respiratory problems. It’s important to know how to use them correctly.

What can I use a humidifier for?

Humidity acts as a natural moisturizing agent that can relieve dryness. For this reason, humidifiers are often used for relieving:
  • dry skin
  • sinus congestion/headache
  • dry throat
  • nose irritation
  • bloody noses
  • irritated vocal cords
  • dry cough
  • cracked lips
You may be prone to these discomforts when the air in your home is dry. This is especially common during winter months or when an air conditioner is being used during the summer.

Types of humidifiers

The type of humidifier you choose depends on your preferences, budget, and the size of the area you want to add moisture to. There are five types of humidifiers:
  • central humidifiers
  • evaporators
  • impeller humidifiers
  • steam vaporizers
  • ultrasonic humidifiers

Humidifier sizes

Humidifiers are often classified as a console or portable/personal.
Console units are meant to add moisture to the entire house. They’re often very large, but usually, have wheels so you can easily move them around. Console units are meant to add moisture to one room.
Personal (or portable) humidifiers are the smallest and are the best choice if you need a humidifier while traveling.

Central humidifiers

Central humidifiers are built directly into your home’s air conditioning or heating unit. These are the most expensive types of humidifier, but they’re the best choice if you want to add humidity throughout the entire house.
Traditional humidifiers carry a potential risk of burns from the steam they emit. Central humidifiers don’t emit steam.


Evaporators blow moisture through a moistened filter. Fans power the unit and expel the humidity into the air from a single-unit system.
These are more affordable than central humidifiers, but the downside is that they only work in one room at a time. They may also expel too much moisture into the air. This can be problematic for people with asthma, as it raises the likelihood for mold growth.

Impeller humidifiers

Impeller humidifiers work with the help of rotating disks that run at high speeds. These units are often less expensive. They’re also among the most child-friendly devices because they create cool mist and carry no risk of burns.
The downside is, like evaporators, they only work for single rooms. They can potentially cause breathing difficulties for people with allergies and asthma when they’re overused.

Steam vaporizers

Steam vaporizers are electrically powered. They heat water and then cool it before expelling it into the air. These are the most inexpensive and portable humidifiers. You can purchase them at drugstores.
This type can cause burns, so it’s not the most kid-friendly.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

Ultrasonic humidifiers produce a cool mist with the help of ultrasonic vibration. The units vary in price, depending on the size you need for your home. Both cool and warm mist versions are available.
An ultrasonic humidifier — especially the cool-mist version — is a good choice if you have children.

Adding humidity to the air may be beneficial, but too much humidity can cause health issues. High humidity levels can worsen respiratory problems and create uncomfortable dampness in the air. This can encourage the growth of:
  • dust mites
  • mildew
  • mold
  • harmful bacteria
Mayo Clinic recommends that humidity stay between 30 and 50 percent. A hygrometer can determine how much humidity is in your home. Some central humidifiers come equipped with hygrometers, but you can also find them at hardware stores.
Test the humidity daily, especially if someone in your household has allergies or asthma.

Burns are the most common injuries associated with humidifiers. Take special care if you have children. Never let children handle humidifiers, and don’t place a warm-mist steamer in a child’s bedroom.
Allowing a unit to expel too much moisture can create condensation on the walls. As a result, mold can grow and spread throughout the home.
Unclean humidifiers can cause bacterial growth that can promote coughs and colds. Steam vaporizers can get dirty quickly, but they’re also among the easiest to clean. Rinse out all the used water between uses. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, clean the unit regularly to prevent bacterial growth. Wash the bucket and filter system every two to three days during usage.
Humidifiers can potentially emit minerals and microorganisms. They’re not necessarily harmful, but the residue can bother people with asthma. Use distilled water to avoid this problem.
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